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Read more about Research: Automatic calculation of cervical spine parameters using deep learning

Research: Automatic calculation of cervical spine parameters using deep learning

Researchers at the Schulthess Clinic have co-authored a study that examines a model that allows for more accurate, automatic measurement of spinal parameters during X-rays. The model is based on deep learning and supports surgeons in particular in the diagnosis of adjacent segment disease.

Read more about Research: Automatic calculation of cervical spine parameters using deep learning
Read more about Ninth joint ‘Spine Case Conference’ held by HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich
Charite Schulthess

Ninth joint ‘Spine Case Conference’ held by HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich

The ‘HSS-Charité-Schulthess Spine Case Conference’ was held for the ninth time on 21 July. The conference is an occasion for specialists from the HSS Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich to join forces and share their knowledge with specialists from all over the world in online training sessions.

Read more about Ninth joint ‘Spine Case Conference’ held by HSS, Charité Berlin and Schulthess Klinik Zurich
Read more about Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause
Röntgenbilder und Computersimulationen Belastungen der Wirbelsäule

Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause

Long-segment fusion operations may be the best solution for treating spinal curvature in adults, but why do some patients experience mechanical complications after this kind of surgery? Our research team is on the case: working with ETH Zurich as part of the European Spine Study Group, it is looking into the causes of this with the aim of further improving and tailoring the treatment options available to these patients.

Read more about Complications following surgery for spinal curvatures: searching for the cause
Read more about News from the AO Spine Center at Schulthess Klinik
Markus Loibl zeigt vor beim AO-Spine-Operationskurs

News from the AO Spine Center at Schulthess Klinik

In November, Spine Surgery at Schulthess Klinik was successfully re-certified as one of four «AO Spine Centers» in Switzerland. Commitment to training and development is an important criterion of the certification and aligns with Schulthess Klinik’s guiding principle of passing on the knowledge of its specialists and developing the next generation of medics. Find out more about some of our other highlights from 2022.

Read more about News from the AO Spine Center at Schulthess Klinik
Read more about Very good results demonstrated for fusion of the first two cervical vertebrae

Very good results demonstrated for fusion of the first two cervical vertebrae

For conditions and injuries involving the first two cervical vertebrae, one possible option is to fuse them both. Our study shows that this intervention is safe and delivers good results, despite the complexity involved.

Read more about Very good results demonstrated for fusion of the first two cervical vertebrae
Read more about News from the AO Spine Center at the Schulthess Klinik
AO Spine Weiterbildung im Hörsaal

News from the AO Spine Center at the Schulthess Klinik

Spine Surgery at Schulthess Klinik is one of four certified «AO Spine Centers» in Switzerland alongside the University Hospitals of Basel and Bern and the St. Gallen Cantonal Hospital. It is headed by Prof. Dr. med. Dezsö J. Jeszenszky, PhD. This certification is granted to only very few highly specialised centres in the field of spinal surgery. A commitment to education and training is a key area for the AO Spine Centers. Find out more about the highlights from 2021.

Read more about News from the AO Spine Center at the Schulthess Klinik
Read more about Symptoms following back surgery – how many residual complaints can I live with?
Arzt der Wirbelsäulenchirurgie untersucht Patientin

Symptoms following back surgery – how many residual complaints can I live with?

Most operations improve the symptoms of patients with adult curvature of the spine, but do not eliminate them completely. How much residual pain is the patient happy to live with after back surgery? What constitutes a good post-surgical result when treating spinal deformities in adults? Our research looked into these questions.

Read more about Symptoms following back surgery – how many residual complaints can I live with?
Read more about Dezsö Jeszenszky awarded title of professor

Dezsö Jeszenszky awarded title of professor

On 8 September 2020, the University of Debrecen in Hungary awarded Dezsö Jeszenszky the title of professor at a formal ceremony. We would like to congratulate Prof. Dezsö Jeszenszky on this milestone and we are delighted to have a spine surgeon on board who has worked tirelessly on behalf of patients for many years.

Read more about Dezsö Jeszenszky awarded title of professor
Read more about Is it possible to predict the result of an operation for lumbar disc herniation?
Rücken einer Frau

Is it possible to predict the result of an operation for lumbar disc herniation?

Our spine research team has developed a prognosis tool to predict the result of surgery for spinal disc herniation. This means that patients are given a realistic assessment of what they can expect from an operation.

Read more about Is it possible to predict the result of an operation for lumbar disc herniation?