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Prof. Dr. med. Jiří Dvořák

Prof. Jiri Dvorak

I was born 22 November 1948 in the Czech Republic. I commenced pre-clinic studies at the Charles University in Prague.  For political reasons, I left the Czech Republic in 1968 continuing my studies in Zurich. Having graduated in June 1974, I was awarded a medical degree in 1976 from the Medical Faculty in Zurich. In 1990, I was awarded the «Venia Legendi» of Zurich University for the original work on the subject of the «upper cervical spine» specialising in «Neurology, i.e. spine disorders».  In 1995 I became Professor at the University of Zurich.

Position and faculty

Consultant to the board / Neurology, Spine Unit


since 2019

Consultant to Schulthess Foundation board, research consultant

since 2019

Visiting Professor 1st Medical School Charles University Prag

since 2008

Senior Consultant Department of Neurology, Spine Unit, Schulthess Klinik


Director of FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence (HQ Zurich)


Chair of the Department of Neurology, Spine Unit, Schulthess Klinik


Visiting Professor, Department of Biomechanics, Section of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yale University, Director: Prof. M. Panjabi


Residency in Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Manual Medicine and Neurology


Graduation Medical School Zurich

Sporting activities

Waterski (national competition level)

Windsurfing, Diving, Golf, Cycling

Scientific activities

Scientific Journals


Senior Editor British Journal of Sports Medicine


Editor American Journal of Sports Medicine


Deputy Editor, SPINE, Raven-Lippincott Publ. USA


Co-Founder and Associate Editor European Spine Journal, SPRINGER Verlag, Heidelberg


Associate Editor, SPINE, J.B.Lippincott Publ., USA


Scientific Education and Activities


IOC medical group member of the summer olympic games


WADA – Health, Science and Research committee


F-MARC (FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre) Chairman, FIFA Chief Medical Officer, Zurich Switzerland


Chairman of Supervision Council of Internal Grant Agency of Ministry of Health, Czech Republic, Prague (until 2005), member since 1990


Honorary Advisor in Musculoskeletal Medicine, Christchurch School of Medicine, New Zealand


Consultant and Visiting Professor, Dept. of Biomechanics, Yale Medical School, New Haven


Consultant and Visiting Fellow for Musculoskeletal Medicine Diploma, Canterbury Medical School, University of Otago, Christchurch, New Zealand

1985, 1987    

Research Programme: Upper Cervical Spine, together with the Institute of Biomechanics of the University of Berne, Dept. of Biomechanics, Yale University M.Panjabi PhD, Schulthess Klinik Zurich


USA, Michigan State University, North Texas State University, University of California Irvine


European Spine Society (Founding Member 1990, Secretary from 1993 to 1996, Vice president since 1996, President 2000)

International Society for the Study of Lumbar Spine (1989)

Cervical Spine Research Society , North American (1987)

Czech Medical Academy (2018)

Swiss Neurological Association (1986)

IOC Science committee (since 2002-2016)

WADA Health and Science Committee and Foundation Board (2008–2016)

President of Spine Society of Europe (1999/2000)

Chairman of F-MARC (FIFA Medical Assesment and Research Center), FIFA Chief Medical Officer (1994–2016)

Internal Grant Agency of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic, Prague (Member since 1990, Chairman of the Supervision Council since 1994)

Honorary Member of New Zealand Association of Musculo-Sceletal Medicine (1990)

European Association of Biomechanics (1988)

Féderation Internationale de Médicine Manuelle (1979)

Awards and honours

2018 Honorary member of Spine Society of Europe - EUROSPINE    

2017 Honorary member of ISAKOS 

2015 AFC Presidential Award

2010 Honorary Member of Czech Medical Association

2009  Universitas Carolina Pragensis / Nummum Memoriatem Argentum

2009 First Marathon-Prize Swiss Orthopaedic Society

2009 NCAA Research Award

2008 Spine Society of Europe: Best Podium presentation

2007 Spine Society of Europe Award for clinical science

2007 Spine Society of Europe Award for Basic Science

1999 Volvo Award for Spine Research of the International Society for Study of Lumbar Spine

1998 Carl Rabl award of the South German Orthopaedics Association

1997 Knoll-BASF Award for Manual Medicine

1994 Award of the Swiss Neurological Society (Functional evaluation of the spinal    cord by MRI in patients RA and atlantoaxiale instability)

1986 Neuro-orthopaedic Award (Rotatory instability of the upper cervical spine), Germany

1986 Resident’s Award of the North American Cervical Spine Research Society (Functional anatomy and biomechanical properties of the alar and transverse ligaments)


482 Original papers, 48 textbooks (with translations and new editions), review articles, book-chapters, approx. half of publications subjected to sports medicine

Web Science H-Index 73



Since 2014






