Pastoral care
The pastoral care team at Schulthess Klinik offers attentive, understanding talks for patients, their families and hospital employees, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief. We, the pastors, take our time, listen and offer support.
Talk to us
In order to recover holistically, your mind and soul also need to receive support. We are there for people and their worries. When you meet us, you will be able to tell us how you are personally experiencing your current situation and the thoughts on your mind. Conversations often give way to new perspectives and together we can look to something bigger that gives strength, confidence and hope. We respect your personal beliefs and values and offer an empathetic ear.
Any conversations we have will not be included in your patient documentation. What you say stays between us. We are bound by confidentiality.
Meeting your religious and spiritual needs
Perhaps you would like to pray with someone, to express your thoughts and feelings before God and to be blessed. We – as Evangelical Reformed and Catholic pastoral workers – are happy to celebrate simple rites with you, or to bring the Lord’s Supper or Communion to your bedside. On request, we can also arrange Muslim pastoral care.
During Advent, we have the opportunity to celebrate together at Schulthess Klinik. We listen to thought-provoking passages and popular Christmas carols or reflectively enjoy piano music in front of the cafeteria to get in the Christmas spirit.
Contact us
Whether you are an inpatient, relative, friend or outpatient at the hospital, you can reach us in the following ways:
- Ask the nursing staff to contact us
- Call us directly on:
Reformed Pastoral Care Number T +41 44 385 71 61
Catholic Pastoral Care Number T +41 44 385 71 62
We will visit you or meet for a conversation in a safe space as soon as we can. We can normally be reached from Monday to Thursday at the hospital.
Quiet room
In the multi-faith “Quiet room” on the first basement level next to the auditorium, people of different religions or beliefs can access a quiet space, words of encouragement, symbols of hope and light in the dark.
This space welcomes:
- Patients before and/or after surgery
- Relatives and friends before and/or after a patient visit
- Schulthess Klinik employees to provide respite.
In the “Quiet room”, you will find a centrally located, stained-glass window known as “die Sonne” or the Sun. There is also a book where you can put your thoughts down on paper. You will also find prayer objects and a collection of thoughts and prayers, which support the deepening of your personal faith.