Co-Head of Hand Surgery Dr. med. Stephan Schindele

Position and faculty
Co-Head of Hand Surgery
Reconstructive hand and elbow surgery (specifically rheumatology)
Artificial joint replacement of the finger and wrist joints
Arthroscopic and endoscopic procedures
Traumatology and injuries to the hand and forearm
Medical specialisation
Hand Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System
seit 2016
Co-Head Hand Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
seit 2009
Senior Consultant Hand Surgery, Schulthess Klinik
Medical Director Hand Surgery, Klinik Impuls, Wetzikon
Consultant Hand Surgery / Upper Extremities, Schulthess Klinik
Consultant Clinic for Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen
Consultant Hand Surgery / Upper Extremities, Schulthess Klinik
Consultant Orthopaedic/ Traumatology Clinic, Kantonsspital, Baden
Education and training
Specialist in Hand Surgery FMH (2nd specialist title)
Specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System FMH
Fellowship Sports Medicine at the Davies Medical Center (UCSF), San Francisco, USA
Fellowship Shoulder Surgery, Sportklinik Stuttgart
Specialist training in Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, at the hospitals Wattwil, Langenthal, Schulthess Klinik und KS Baden
Doctorate as Dr. med. at the Orthopaedic Department, Heidelberg University Hospital "Medium-term results of automatic percutaneous lumbar discectomy."
State exam University of Heidelberg
Scientific activities
Various national and international lectures
Publications in peer reviewed journals and several book chapters
Scientific focus:
- Artificial joint developments at hand
- Hand surgery for rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative diseases of the hand and forearm
Swiss Society of Hand Surgery SGH
swiss orthopaedics
European Rheumatism and Arthritis Surgical Society ERASS
Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery AGA
American Society for Surgery of the Hand ASSH
Full member of FMH and FMCH
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Bodmer E. S., Marks M., Hensler S., Schindele S. and Herren D. B. Comparison of outcomes of three surgical approaches for proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty using a surface replacing implant. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2019: 1753193419891382
Schindele S. Kommtentar zum Artikel: Langzeitergebnisse nach APSI-Implantation zum Ersatz des proximalen Skaphoidpols bei SNAC Wrist. Handchir Scan 2019; 08(02): 94-96.
Schindele S. [Arthroplasty at the proximal interphalengeal joint]. Orthopäde 2019; 48(5): 378-85.
Schindele S., Marks M. and Herren D. B. Thumb interphalangeal joint replacements with silicone and surface gliding implants. A case report. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2019; 44(6): 649-51.
Marks M., Hensler S., Wehrli M., Schindele S. and Herren D. B. Minimal important change and patient acceptable symptom state for patients after proximal interphalangeal joint arthroplasty. J Hand Surg Eur Vol 2019; 44(2): 175-80.
Brodbeck M. and Schindele S. Arthroplastik des proximalen Interphalangealgelenks mit CapFlex-Oberflächenersatz und Silikonspacer. In: F. Unglaub. Hand und Hangelenk. Meistertechniken in der operativen Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg 2019: 117-29.
Kongressvorträge (Conference proceedings, Posters, …)
Estermann L., Marks M., Kündig S. and Schindele S. Determinants of long-term patient satisfaction after MCParthroplasty in inflammatory joint disease. 53. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH)/20. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handrehabilitation (SGHR), 21.-22.11.2019, Interlaken, Switzerland.
Schindele S., Marks M., Hensler S. and Herren D. B. Thumb IP joint arthroplasty with a surface gliding implant: One-year follow-up. 14th Triennial Congress of the IFSSH, 11thTriennial Congress of the IFSHT & 24th Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), 17.-21.06.2019, Berlin, Germany.
Hensler S., Herren D. B., Marks M., Wehrli M. and Schindele S. Determinants of subjective and clinical outcomes one year after proximal interphalangeal joint surface replacement. 14th Triennial Congress of the IFSSH, 11thTriennial Congress of the IFSHT & 24th Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), 17.-21.06.2019, Berlin, Germany.
Hensler S., Behm P., Ferguson S. J., Herren D. B. and Schindele S. PIP joint lateral stability in healthy joints compared to surface replacement and silicone arthroplasty. 14th Triennial Congress of the IFSSH, 11thTriennial Congress of the IFSHT & 24th Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), 17.-21.06.2019, Berlin, Germany.
Estermann L., Neukom L., Marks M., Herren D. B. and Schindele S. DIP arthroplasty versus screw arthrodesis. 14th Triennial Congress of the IFSSH, 11thTriennial Congress of the IFSHT & 24th Congress of the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), 17.-21.06.2019, Berlin, Germany.
Schindele S. Evidenzen in der Fingerreplantation – eine Übersicht. 53. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH)/20. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handrehabilitation (SGHR), 21.-22.11.2019, Interlaken, Switzerland.
Schindele S. Gong Show-Award. Greatest Future Clinical Application Award. Poster Award 53. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie (SGH)/20. Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Handrehabilitation (SGHR), 21.-22.11.2019, Interlaken, Switzerland.
Schindele S. Die Hand aus golfmedizinischer Sicht. Patienteninfoanlass: Golf und die Hand, 28.10.2019, Zürich, Schweiz.
Schindele S. Distal Radius Malunion: The role of IPS in corrective OT. 57° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia della Mano (SICM), 10.-12.10.2019, Florence, Italy.
Schindele S. Vorsitz: Posterbegehung im Ausstellerbereich. 60. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie (DAH), 19.-21.09.2019, Bern, Schweiz.
Schindele S. Xiapex in der Schulthess Klinik – Hard Facts and Learnings. 60. Symposium der Deutschsprachigen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Handchirurgie (DAH), 19.-21.09.2019, Bern, Schweiz.
Schindele S. CapFlex PIP replacement – Joining an established joint solution. Bone Implant Research Group (BIRG) Symposium, 23.08.2019, Tallinn, Estonia.
Schindele S. Extra- and intraarticular radius reconstruction featuring 3D planned guides and implants. Bone Implant Research Group (BIRG) Symposium, 22.08.2019, Tallinn, Estonia.
Schindele S. PIP resurfacing prosthesis. Brussels Hand Surgery Symposium: 27th year Hand & Wrist Arthroplasty, 30.03.2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Schindele S. Distal Radius Fracture and Associated Leasions: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & DRF – to do or not to do? When and why? . Talking & Working Hands, 21.-23.03.2019, Sexten, Italy.
Schindele S. Thumb degenerative pathology: Prosthesis – Implant arthroplasty. Talking & Working Hands, 21.-23.03.2019, Sexten, Italy.
Schindele S. Thumb degenerative pathology: Conservative treatments – what is the evidence based? Talking & Working Hands, 21.-23.03.2019, Sexten, Italy.
Schindele S. CapFlex PIP – a real surface replacement! CapFlex Workshop – Skills Lab, 01.03.2019, Luzern, Schweiz.
Schindele S. Infiltrationen im Bereich der Hand. 3. Interdisziplinäres Symposium Schulthess Klinik, 17.01.2019, Zürich, Schweiz.
Schindele S. Kunstgelenke an der Hand, Etabliertes und Perspektiven. rheuma® Schweiz. Fortbildung und Informationen für Fachleute 2019; 3: 43-48.