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Medico-Legal Affairs

Annual Report 2022

Medizinische Gutachten

Pooled expertise is the foundation of complex medico-legal appraisals – a service that Schulthess Klinik offers in particular for accident, disability insurance, liability and court appraisals.

In the past year, we also compiled various complex medico-legal reports. The aim is to bring clarity to situations where various different – and sometimes contradictory – assessments or expert opinions are already available. Often there is a process that has been ongoing for years. This requires an independent, comprehensive and competent assessment.

Increasingly, we are also asked to prepare a decisive expert opinion, when preliminary expert opinions are available that were not able to fully clarify the facts of the case and the medical situation. By carrying out a thorough assessment, we then try to contribute to the conclusion of processes that have usually been ongoing for a long time, by leaving as few questions as possible unanswered.

Well-founded, pooled expertise in everyday clinical practice

Our reports usually cover the specialities of orthopaedics, neurology, rheumatology and rehabilitation. Complex questions usually require a qualified specialisation (e.g. on a specific joint) as well as close interdisciplinary cooperation. This interaction has been part of everyday life at Schulthess Klinik for decades. As early as the 1960s, the clinic director at the time, Prof. Norbert Gschwend, laid the foundation for the team structure of today by dividing staff into their specialist fields. Depending on the case, we also consult external experts (e.g. from psychiatry or neuropsychology).

This specialised teamwork benefits the medical reports. The specialists brought in all work actively in everyday clinical practice, have a great deal of practical experience and are up to date with the latest medical developments. Medico-Legal Affairs pools the broad expertise and prepares the resulting information for clients, taking into account the special aspects relating to medical insurance.

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