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Head of Clinical Nurse Rahel Käufeler

Käufeler Rahel_Klinisch Fachspez

In 2018, I took up the challenge of working as a clinical nurse as part of an internal hospital project. Since July 2019, I have been an integral part of the team of doctors of the department of shoulder and elbow surgery. Working at the intersection between doctor, patient and nurse is an exciting, varied and fulfilling job. The exchange that I have with the various specialist areas is enriching and promotes my curiosity.

Position and faculty

Head of Clinical Nurse

To the department Shoulder and Elbow Surgery


Phone hours
Mo–Th 8:00–17:00
Fr 8:00–16:00
Sa–Su Geschlossen

Certificates of proficiency

Qualified nursing specialist HF


since 2013

Schulthess Klinik


Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich


University hospital CHUV, Lausanne

Education and training


Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Careum University of Applied Sciences


Postgraduate studies in care counselling at the University of Applied Sciences in Bern